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Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for students 

1. Students should be punctual, regular in attending classes, tutorials, internal assessment/assignments. Failing such exercise without proper valid reason, will not be taken into consideration afterwards.

 2. They must sit properly in their respective classrooms and should not attract unnecessary noise to others. 

3. Impersonation during roll call is a punishable offence.

 4. If a professor is absent or unable to take class, students must sit in their classrooms and maintain silence so that not to disturb the other adjoining classes.

 5. Students must not use mobile phone or any electronic gadget for their communication during the class.

 6. Adapting any kind of malpractice such as cheating, copying, exchange answer-sheets in examination is strictly prohibited. 

7. Students must always consult notice-board (Online and Offline) on a regular basis. 

8. Students must come to the College suitably dressed maintaining decency.

 9. Students must not celebrate discrimination by any means. By doing so leads to disciplinary actions. 

10. They must not loiter in the corridors of the College during class hours.

 11. They must not scribble indecent words on the walls of black-boards, classrooms, washroom and College campus. 

12. Smoking, chewing, consumption of any kind of drug is strictly prohibited and violating this rule attracts severe punishment. 

13. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and failing this rule, disciplinary actions will be taken against them. 

14. They must not misuse college property, i.e. table, chair, bench, fan, bulb, water-tap, garden etc. 

15. They must not disturb the academic atmosphere of the institution.

 16. They must adhere Covid-19 protocol. 

17. Students must participate in all types of extra-curriculum and other activities

18. Any kind of harassment of female students is strictly prohibited and offenders will face strict disciplinary action.

Code of conduct for Teachers 

1. Every faculty member should work within the institutional policies and practices so as to satisfy the vision and mission of the college. 

2. All faculty members are expected to employ themselves honestly and efficiently under the Principalship of the Head of the Institution. 

3. All faculty members are expected to be punctual for classes or other duties allotted to them.

4. All members are expected to sign regularly in the attendance register which is to be maintained by the Head of the Institution. 

5. All members are expected to encourage the students to improve their learning, developing their personalities and also contribute in community welfare.

 6. They also have to undertake additional responsibilities of conducting evaluation and invigilation, administrative work, providing counsel to students and participating in extra-curricular activities etc. 

7. All members should be impartial with students regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social, physical identity. 

8. All members are expected to avoid any form of unlawful discrimination. 

9. All members are expected to actively discard any form of misconduct i.e. verbal, non-verbal, physical. 

10. All teachers are to abide by the rules and regulation of the Govt. and institution in regard to leave and service conditions

10. Teachers  are requested to adhere Covid-19 protocol.

 Code of conduct for Non-Teaching Staff 

1. Every NTS should work within the institutional policies and practices so as to satisfy the vision and mission of the college. 

2. All NTS are expected to employ themselves honestly and efficiently under the Principalship of the Head of the Institution. 

3. All members are expected to sign regularly in the attendance register which is to be maintained by the Head of the Institution. 

4. All members are expected to show the highest possible standards of professional behaviour. They also should be punctual and disciplined in their work. 

5. All members should be impartial with others regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social, physical identity.

 6. All members are expected to avoid any form of unlawful discrimination. 

7. All members are expected to actively discard any form of misconduct i.e. verbal, nonverbal, physical. 

8. NTS should be students friendly

9. They must adhere Covid-19 protocol.