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Bolpur College Health Club

Since 2019

(Mission: Generation of awareness on Health and Hygiene among the students)


As per resolution No.5 of the IQAC meeting held on 18.09.2019, Bolpur College Health Club was formed on the same day with the following Core Committee members:

  1. Dr. Nursadh Ali, Principal, President of Health Club
  2. Dr. Mrinal Kanti Nayak, Secretary
  3. Dr. Surya Shekhar Das, Joint Secretary
  4. Prof. Pratibha Saha
  5. Prof. Keya Mandal
  6. Dr. Dipesh Kundu
  7. Dr. Dilip Kr. Mandal
  8. Dr. Ruhi Das
  9. Dr. Sk. Golam Masum
  10. Dr. Buddhadev Mandal
  11. Dr. Anirban Chatterjee
  12. Smriti Sarkar

After its formation, the core committee members had a meeting on 24.09.2019 and resolved that the health club will observe the following events:

  • World Health Day, 7th April
  • No Tobacco Day, 31st May
  • World Blood Donor Day, 14th June
  • International Yoga Day, 21st June
  • International Day against Drug abuses and illicit trafficking, 26th June
  • Awareness Programme of diverse nature related to health
  • Free health Check-up Camp

These events would serve the dual purpose of generation of awareness among the students as well as provide a basic health support to them. Moreover, things like yoga would make them aware of mental health.

Unfortunately these days were not observed during the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 due to COVID-19 situation and the institution was closed from 3rd week of March 2020 to 31st of October 2021.

Report: 2021-2022

After a prolonged lock-down period the operation of college was resumed on 1.11.2021 for the employees only as per the direction of Department of Higher Education, Govt. of WB and The University of Burdwan. The core committee members had a meeting on 02.11.2021 and resolved that the health club will observe the following events:

  • Cleaning and Sanitization of college campus 
  • Awareness programme on COVID-19
  • World Health Day, 7th April
  • No Tobacco Day, 31st May
  • International Yoga Day, 21st June
  • International Day against Drug abuses and illicit trafficking, 26th June
  • Awareness Programme on Thalassemia

It was also decided that the health club will extend the following facilities to the students:

  • Arrangement of wheelchair for handicapped students
  • Installation of sanitary napkin vending machine with a destroyer
  • Arrangement of sick room with first-aid and basic medical facilities

These events would serve the dual purpose of generation of awareness among the students as well as provide a basic health support to them. Moreover, things like yoga would make them aware of mental health.

Cleaning and Sanitization of College Campus 

Before reopening, it was our responsibility to take care of sanitisation of college in every possible way to prevent the outspread of COVID-19 and to provide confidence to the students and parents. Although the classes were to commence from the 3rd week, teachers and other employees hit the campus from the day one of November. It was of utmost necessity to sanitize the campus as much as possible. Outsourcing was done for the purpose as well as we, the employees, joined hands. Starting from the classrooms, canteens, labs, office, wash rooms to the ground – every part of the college was sanitized with the help of technology. It is important to ensure that all the dust and dirt are cleaned before the main sanitization process. Using pesticides and spreading disinfects can primarily help to keep the premise safe. Apart from just spreading these chemical elements, it is important to clean the college properly and ensure top-notch safety for students. We mostly went with chemical-based sanitization.

Awareness Programme on COVID-19

On 16.11.2021, being the first day of college for the students after lock-down, Health Club, Bolpur College organized an awareness programme on COVID-19 through display of banners at every corner of the college campus. Sanitizing facility was arranged at the college gate for every student and employees. On behalf of Bolpur College Dr. Surya Shekhar Das, Associate Professor of Botany, and Dr. Anirban Chattejee, Assistant professor of Zoology delivered open air lectures on importance of regular cleaning of desks, chairs, broads, switchboards, duster, shelves, and toilet to staircases. Importance of personal sanitization along with need of vaccination was discussed meticulously.  These messages reached the students through audio system arranged for this purpose.

Observance of World Health Day, 7th April

A meeting was held on 29.03.2022 to discuss the observance of World Health Day, 7th April. The core committee members also decided to organize a seminar on the same date to discuss the significance of this day. As a part of the seminar, it was also decided that Dr. S.A.Choudhury, Associate professor of Chemistry would deliver a lecture on importance of regular sanitization and cleanliness to keep infectious diseases away, keeping the recent COVID-19 situation in mind.

The event was observed successfully on the above-mentioned date at Vidyasagar Conference Hall. The hall audience was comprised of students, teachers, and other staff members. Honourable Principal Sir inaugurated the occasion with his valuable speech regarding the significance of the day. The seminar was arranged keeping COVID-19 gathering protocol in mind.

Awareness Programme on Thalassemia and Related Blood Test

On 24.05.2022, Health Club, Bolpur College and Suri Sadar Hospital jointly organized an awareness programme cum test of thalassemia at Vidyasagar conference Hall, Bolpur College. Among those who availed this facility we had around 70 students of our college along with teachers and other staff members. Personnel from Suri Sadar Hospital collected and tested the blood sample in a very organized manner. They also generated awareness on thalassemia among the students through verbal interactions. Later, certificates were collected from Suri Sadar Hospital and subsequently distributed among the students. Those who were tested positive were directed to contact the Haemoglobinopathies unit, Suri Sadar Hospital. 

Observance of No Tobacco Day, 31st May

A meeting was held on 20.05.2022 to discuss the observance of No Tobacco Day, 31st May. It was resolved to observe the event through a rally on the streets of Bolpur. It was also resolved that the rally will proceed through the streets of the Bolpur town displaying posters, placards and banners.    The event was observed successfully as per our planned schedule on the above-mentioned date. Our students accompanied with some teachers walked in the rally and conveyed messages related to the deleterious effects of tobacco in a very humble way. 

Observance of    International Day against Drug Abuses and Illicit Trafficking, 26th June

A meeting was held on 14.06.2022 to discuss the observance of International Day against Drug Abuses and Illicit Trafficking, 26th June. But 26th June being Sunday, it was resolved to observe the event on 28th June.  Health Club, Bolpur College observed this day as an expression of our determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of a society free of drug abuse. This observance aimed to raise awareness of the major problem that illicit drugs represent to society especially to the adolescent individuals like our students. Our respected Principal sir delivered a lecture to raise awareness about the importance of treating people who use drugs with respect and empathy; providing voluntary services for all; offering alternatives to punishment; prioritizing prevention; and leading with compassion. The discussion also aimed to combat stigma and discrimination against people who use drugs by promoting language and attitudes that are respectful and non-judgmental.

Report: 2022-2023

The core committee members had a meeting on 02.12.2022 and resolved that the health club will observe the following events:

  • World Health Day, 7th April
  • No Tobacco Day, 31st May
  • International Yoga Day, 21st June
  • Awareness Programme on Haemophilia
  • Awareness Programme on Thalassemia
  • Free health Check-up Camp

These events would serve the dual purpose of generation of awareness among the students as well as provide a basic health support to them. Moreover, things like yoga would make them aware of mental health.

Observance of World Health Day, 7th April

A meeting was held on 30.03.2023 to discuss the observance of World Health Day, 7th April. But 7th April being a holiday, it was resolved to observe the event on 11th April. The core committee members also decided to organize a seminar on the same date to discuss the significance of this day. As a part of the seminar, it was also decided that Dr. Anirban Chattejee, Assistant professor of Zoology would deliver a lecture on infectious disease, keeping the recent COVID-19 situation in mind.

The event was observed successfully on the above-mentioned date at Vidyasagar Conference Hall. The hall had a full house audience comprised of students, teachers, and other staff members. Honourable Principal Sir inaugurated the occasion with his valuable speech regarding the significance of the day.

Observance of No Tobacco Day, 31st May

A meeting was held on 16.05.2023 to discuss the observance of No Tobacco Day, 31st May. It was resolved to observe the event through a rally on the streets of Bolpur.  The event was observed successfully on the above-mentioned date. Our students accompanied with some teachers, ignoring the scorching heat in the month of May, made a rally at some busy market areas of Bolpur like Chowrasta, Chitra Morh displaying posters, placards and banner. Through this activity messages related to the deleterious effects of tobacco were conveyed to many of the inhabitants of Bolpur as well as of nearby localities present on the street during the rally.   

Observance of International Yoga Day, 21st June

To observe the International Yoga Day, 21st June we communicated Mr. Sajal Shil, Yoga instructor, Visva-Bharati. He was kind enough to devote his time not only on the day of the event but also two more days prior to 21st June to prepare some of our students for live performance of Yoga. The event was organized at the Gymnasium of our college. Our students exhibited a beautiful and rhythmic display of different yoga postures and exercises in front of Principal Sir, teachers, other staff members and students. We extend our heartiest thanks to Mr. Sajal Shil Sir for conducting such a praiseworthy event and delivering a brief lecture on the importance of yoga in our daily life. 

Awareness Programme on Haemophilia

On 29.08.2023, Health Club, Bolpur College and Haemophilia Society Durgapur Chapter jointly organized an awareness programme on haemophilia at Vidyasagar conference Hall, Bolpur College. Among the audience we had around 12 Haemophlia survivors along with teachers, other staff members and students of our college. On behalf of Bolpur College Dr. Surya Shekhar Das, associate Professor of Botany, delivered a lecture on some genetic and practical aspects of haemophilia. On behalf of Haemophilia Society, Mrs. Debrupa Mukherjee and Mr. Jayanta Mondal , the latter being a hemophilia survivor, delivered their speech and enlightened us with the tidbits of this genetic disorder.

Free health Check-up Camp

On 21.09.2023, Health Club, Bolpur College and Red Cross Society, Bolpur Branch jointly organized a health checkup camp for students and employees of Bolpur College. Dr. Ramakrishna Ghosh , Dr. Sujit Kumar Das along with their associates conducted the camp in a very systematic and effective way. Dr. Uday Kundu, Dental Surgeon, took care of dental health. Besides dental checkup, he in a very patient way taught our students the importance of oral health. Medicines, if required, were distributed to the students. Moreover the whole service was extended totally free of any kind of cost. Around 100 individuals availed the service on that day.

In terms of infrastructure, the health club has a room on the ground floor. The room is equipped with some basic medical facilities like first aid box, some medicines, blood pressure measuring machine, weighing machine etc. We also have a sick bed there. 

Apart from organising the above mentioned events, we also actively participate in different events, directly or indirectly related to health, organised by the NSS unit and the Nature Club of Bolpur College. 

We are happy but not satisfied with whatever we are doing on behalf of the Health Club. In addition to continuing these services we want to do a lot more as a part of our future plan, viz., organizing more awareness programmes, extending more diverse medical support especially to needy students, emphasizing equally on mental health which is often ignored, campaigning against drug abuse etc.