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NSOU Notice Board Manage

1 22-02-2025 UGDP (CBCS) counselling class for 2024-25 session
2 28-06-2024 NSOU UG-CBCS Admission 2024-25
3 28-06-2024 Online Admission Procedure for the Session 2024-25
4 09-03-2024 Rescheduling of Counseling
5 25-02-2024 UG CBCS Counseling 2023-24
6 11-01-2024 Notice for date extention for admission in PG & BLIS
7 08-01-2024 Schedule of UG CBCS Counseling (Session : 2023-2024)
8 04-11-2023 Revised Schedule for BDP TEE
9 04-11-2023 Notice for 2nd Phase PG Renewal
10 21-10-2023 Notice of Admit card download for UGDP examination
11 04-09-2023 Notice for BDP Exam Schedule
12 04-09-2023 Notice for BDP Exam Schedule (under CBCS)
13 15-06-2023 Notice for reopening of BDP TEE
14 26-05-2023 Notice for BDP TEE Form Fill up Extension
15 14-05-2023 Routine for BDP PCP_2022-2023
16 14-05-2023 Notice for Academic Counsellor-Session-2022-2023
17 06-05-2023 Notice for MLIS Viva-Voce
18 05-05-2023 Notice for BLIS Practical Examination
19 27-11-2022 Notice for PG REnewal
20 27-11-2022 PCP Schedule for Ist Year (SEM I & SEM II) CBCS BDP Course
21 27-11-2022 PCP Schedule of 3rd Year BDP Course
22 06-11-2022 Notice for BDP Classes for 3rd Year Students
23 30-07-2022 Important Notice regarding BDP Assignment
24 20-07-2022 Notice for BDP Assignment Submission
25 18-07-2022 Notice for BDP admission, 2022
26 18-07-2022 Distribution of Courses_BDP
27 05-07-2022 Notice for BDP Form fill up (3rd phase)
28 05-07-2022 Revised BDP Renewal Notice
29 26-04-2022 BDP Renewal Notice
30 14-04-2022 Revised Notice for BDP TEE
31 04-04-2022 Form fill up term1 examination
32 04-04-2022 Form fill up Term end examination
33 15-02-2022 RESULT OF PGTEE 2021
34 05-02-2022 Online BDP Renewal Notice (2nd phase)
35 30-10-2021 Notice for PG renewal, 2021
36 27-10-2021 Notice for PG TEE Form fill up_3rd phase
37 10-10-2021 Notice for Puja Vacation
38 10-10-2021 Important Notice for BDP TEE, 2021
39 06-10-2021 Notice for PGSW-1 TEE
40 06-10-2021 Notice for PGSW-2 TEE
41 06-10-2021 Notice for BDP Induction Meeting
42 01-10-2021 Notice for PGTEE form fill up (2nd phase)
43 30-09-2021 Notice for Date of extension for BDP admission
44 28-09-2021 Notice to download Admit Card for Online BDP Term End (Theory & Practical) Examinations, Dec-2020 & June-2021)
45 28-09-2021 Instructions for Online BDP Term End (Theory & Practical) Examinations, Dec-2020 & June-2021
46 24-09-2021 Notice for BLIS TEE form fill up
47 24-09-2021 Notice for BDP TEE Examination
48 17-09-2021 Important Notice for BDP Assignment submission
49 14-09-2021 Important Notice for BDP Assignment
50 08-09-2021 Notice for PG TEE form fill up
51 07-09-2021 Notice for BDP assignment
52 16-08-2021 Notice for reopening of BDP TEE form fill up
53 13-08-2021 Pre-Admission Counselling-BDP
54 03-08-2021 Revised notice for BDP form fill up
55 31-07-2021 Notice for BDP form fill up
56 06-07-2021 Notice for PG renewal_last phase
57 06-07-2021 Notice for BDP renewal
58 27-06-2021 Notice of online classes for BDP students
59 26-05-2021 Notice for PG Renewal
60 26-05-2021 Notice for BDP Renewal
61 07-05-2021 Online PCP Schedule of EBG, P-2
62 07-05-2021 Important notice for BDP & PG candidates
63 29-03-2021 Online class notice for PGMT
64 19-02-2021 Online class schedule for EEC
65 10-12-2020 Notice for admission date extension of PG, BLIS & Advance Diploma
66 07-12-2020 BDP 2nd Phase Admission
67 21-11-2020 Notice for PG form fill up
68 21-11-2020 Notice for BDP form fill up
69 14-11-2020 PG Admission
70 28-10-2020 Notice for some modification of PG assignment result, 2020
71 18-10-2020 BLIS Assignment Result 2020
72 13-10-2020 PG Assignment Marks_2020
73 11-10-2020 Notice for Special BDP Renewal
74 11-10-2020 Notice for PG Renewal
75 03-10-2020 Notice for BDP (Exit) Examination, 2020
76 27-09-2020 Notice regarding BDP Online examination
77 27-09-2020 Notice for PG form fill up
78 23-09-2020 Notice for PG term end examination
79 23-09-2020 Notice for BLIS form fill-up
80 18-09-2020 PG Exam Notice_2020
81 18-09-2020 PG Exam Notice
82 10-09-2020 Notice for BDP Term End Examination, Dec. 2019 & June, 2020
83 24-08-2020 Notice for date of extension for PG & BLIS assignment submission
84 14-08-2020 BDP Admission Notice, 2020
85 14-08-2020 Steps for BDP Admmission, 2020